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Steffi Lewis | Blog

Turning coffee into code since 1993 ...

AI needs human oversight, To ensure our safety, Balance of power

The Need for Human Oversight with Autonomous Weapons Systems

As artificial intelligence advances, the urgency for comprehensive human oversight in governing autonomous weapons systems (AWS) grows. Without regulation, the potential dangers may severely eclipse the benefits that AI can offer in military applications ...

Saas in the cloud high, Whispers secrets to the wind, Eternally free

The Sustainable SaaS Business Model and the Art of Going Green

As the consequences of climate change become apparent, industries are grappling with the urgent need for sustainability ...

Fully automated business, Efficiency at its core, Success flows freely

Exploring the Impact of a Fully Automated Business on the Economy

Fully automated businesses can revolutionise industry. Let's explores the implications for the economy, taxation, and the future of the workforce ...

Meal prep begins now, Fresh ingredients await, Nourish body, soul

How strange to be back at work again, though I am excited for 2025

I relaxed a lot over the holidays, but I'm excited for 2025 and made a good start this week with some meal prep ...

Baggins Black Whiskers, Prowling in the fields, His life complete

The Life & Times Of Baggins Black Whiskers

From a scrappy little kitten with swivelly ears to a cranky old boy demanding chicken and forgetting where to pee ...

YourPCM V2 is done, so can I relax now, right? Um ... not really!

And We're Done! So What's Next for Steffi?

You'd think I could kick back, relax and just slide into Christmas, but actually, there's still a lot to do before 2025 ...

Software, coding flows, Creating endless wonders, Virtual magic

Test, Tweak and Twiddle: The Art of proving your software!

Using YourPCM v2 has allowed me to fix what needed fixing and enhance a few things too. The countdown has begun ...

Coder's fingers dance, Across the keyboard with grace, Creating magic

A Coder's Relief And The Satisfaction Of A Project Completed!

YourPCM v2 is finished! I need to create supporting stuff to go with it though I'm on target to start converting subscribers ...

Resilience prevails, Against life's toughest trials, Strength in the struggle

A Coders Resilience And The Art Of Not Beating Herself Up Too Much

With me upgrading YourPCM to Version 2, there's a far longer scale and intensity to it than normal projects ...

Writing beautiful code, Digital poetry in motion, Elegant simple and clean

YourPCM Version 2 Is Coming Along Nicely!

I love a good development project. After the success of sBlogIt! I've turned my attention to a new version of YourPCM ...

Your PCM sings, A melody of data, Harmonious sound

YourPCM v2 Is Not Just An Update, It's A Complete Rewrite!

Now that sBlogIt! is out there in the wild, I've been mulling over applying some of the design ideas from it into YourPCM. But the second version of YourPCM is no longer just a simple update, it's a complete rewrite ...

Your PCM, so true, A constant companion, dear, Helping me stay on track

The Development Of YourPCM v2 Starting Soon!

I'm still churning the ideas in my mind, but I can get the framework ready to go in time for some consistent development ...

I Just Had My Birthday! So What's Next In The World Of Steffi Lewis?

It's always interesting when I reach another birthday. Or maybe I should say ''yet another birthday'' because there have been lots of them now ...

Neuromorphic computing, Mimicking the brain's power, Efficient and smart

The Future of Computing: How Neuromorphic Technology is Revolutionising the Industry

Discover the latest advancements in neuromorphic computing and how it could transform the way we use technology ...

The moon rises high, A tranquil glow in the sky, Reflecting our dreams

Lunar Exploration: What Does the Future Hold for the Moon?

As countries and companies set their sights on the Moon, tensions rise and questions arise about the future of lunar exploration ...

AI relationships, Virtual love and heartache, Can code replace touch?

The Rise of AI Relationships: Exploring the Intricacies of Virtual Love

Discover how AI relationships are changing the dating landscape in the UK and the impact they have on people's lives ...

Sblogit! Soaring high, Through the digital landscape, Words take flight with ease

Publish locally on your sBlogIt! blog, or take your content away?

How interesting. Everyone I've had conversations with over the past few days thinks that it's like YourAI and you take the content away to use elsewhere ...

Sblogit, my mind sings, Words dancing on the page, A digital song

sBlogIt! My Brand New AI-Driven Blogging Platform Is Finished!

It's been a long time in the making, but I'm pleased to announce that sBlogIt!, my AI-driven blogging platform is finished ...

Chlorophyll, green life, Captured by the sun's bright rays, Nature's alchemy

The Incredible Role of Chlorophyll in Making Leaves Green

Discover the fascinating role of chlorophyll in making leaves green and how it has revolutionized our understanding of photosynthesis ...

3-body problem, Celestial dance in motion, A cosmic puzzle

The 3-Body Problem: Exploring the Complexities of Celestial Mechanics

Delve into the complexities of the 3-body problem and discover the intricate dance of celestial mechanics and the minds of those who try to solve it ...

Soil, dark and fertile, Beneath our feet, life abounds, Nurturing and strong

The Fascinating Science Behind Why Soil is Brown

Soil is a vital component of our planet's ecosystem. Its brown colour arises from complex chemical and biological processes. From the composition of soil to the impact of human activities, let's take a look at the intricacies of soil colour and its significance ...

Self-driving cars glide, Autonomous and unbound, Navigating roads

The Future of Self-Driving Cars: Advancements and Challenges

Self-driving cars are no longer just a concept, but a reality. Let's explore the advancements and challenges of this futuristic technology ...

Feline frolics wild, Pouncing, playing in the sun, Whiskers twitch with joy

Feline Frolics: A Day in the Life of a British Cat

Join this furry friend on a wild and hilarious journey through a day in the life of a cat in the UK in this blog post about Feline Frolics ...

Blue sky above me, Endless sea of endless blue, Peaceful and serene

Exploring the beauty of the Blue Sky

Discover the fascinating science behind the beauty of the blue sky, from the composition of the atmosphere to the role of sunlight ...

Salty sea breeze blows, Whispers secrets to the shores, Tides ebb and flow with ease

The Fascinating Science Behind Ocean Saltiness

The saltiness of the sea is crucial for our planet's ecosystem and our salty sea has a fascinating scientific explanation ...

Space exploration, Endless galaxies await, Journey of wonder

Space Exploration: Unleashing the Untapped Potential

Space exploration captivates the imagination, pushing us to reach for the stars and discover the unknown, but it sometimes requires unconventional ideas ...

Silurian hypothesis, Ancient creatures lurk, Fossil secrets untold

Exploring the Possibility of Ancient Civilisations on Earth and Beyond

The Silurian Hypothesis proposes that there may have been advanced civilizations on Earth before humans, leaving no trace for us to find ...

Distant galaxies, Twinkling in the night sky, Mysteries untold

Exploring the Depths of the Universe: Unveiling Distant Galaxies

Discover the latest record-breaking discovery of the James Webb Space Telescope, revealing a distant galaxy only 2% of the age of the Universe ...

Mars, red and distant, A planet of mystery, Calling us to explore

Why Is Mars Red? Exploring the Scientific Discoveries of the Red Planet

Discover the fascinating scientific discoveries behind Mars' iconic red hue and the ongoing exploration of the Red Planet ...

The Miracle of Chlorophyll: Exploring the Science Behind Green Leaves

Discover the wonders of photosynthesis and the key role of chlorophyll in making leaves green ...

Would you vote for this candidate if you saw him being arrested a couple of days before the election?

AI Deepfakes And The Threat To The Next General Election

The use of deepfake technology has been on the rise in recent years, and the UK General Election is the latest target. Deepfakes are manipulated media that use artificial intelligence to alter images, audio files, and videos to make them appear real ...

© 2025 by Steffi Lewis

All rights reserved

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